Perceived Freedom - Part One
The discussion and perception of freedom is a subject that most would not even consider when thinking of finance and especially trading.
Fortunately for everyone, my duty is to enlighten traders and investors, therefore I am going to first; describe the way in which corporations, governments, and essentially everyone around you changes your perception of the world that surrounds you. Secondly, I will extrapolate that same understanding into the financial world. Lastly, I will, to the best of my ability, attempt to rationalize ways of profiting from this understanding.
I feel the best way of getting a message across with the least amount of friction or the least probability of misunderstanding is by providing examples.
So to better explain the concepts of freedom and perceived freedom, I will use ciggarettes and tobacco as examples of the two.
First I need you to think about whether you believe that, if ciggarettes were to be outlawed, that is if it were to be illegal for companies to profit by producing and selling ciggarettes. Let's say this were to happen because the government found out that companies were putting harmful chemicals in them. If this were to happen, are people now unable to smoke tobaccoo? Has the freedom to smoke tobaccoo been taken away from the people, or has the freedom for companies to produce, sell, and profit from their own created ciggarette market been taken away?
This is the difference between perceived and true freedom, although to be fair nothing really is true freedom but that is to be explained at a different time. It is the thought that something is a granted freedom to you, when in reality it is granted to someone else and they have convinced you, for their own benefit, that it is granted to you.
It is much easier to understand that our agreements with other people can create and destroy our freedoms, whether it is created or destroyed is dependent on the perception of it by people. Governments mediate and enforce the agreements of the majority of people on the planet, however inefficient they may be, it is humanity's current best way of organizing, domesticating and controlling itself. Therefore it is best to accept that governments, by using laws, regulations, and other agreements, create and destroy freedoms of its people.
By now, most would seem to accept that if ciggarettes were actually bad that the government would have found this information and made a decision to outlaw them.
The problem rests in the fact that the government can only create laws if there is agreement upon them by the majority of its people. Therefore there is only one thing that companies require for them to continue on with their business; to convince people that the freedom given to the companies is actually the freedom given to the people.
To clarify your understanding of the difference between perceived and true freedom, it might be better to exaggerate the example.
Let's say, for example, a soda company, in a world where cocaine is a legal substance, uses cocaine in their drinks to get people addicted to their soda. When the government takes away the ability for a company to use cocaine in their drinks, you must ask yourself, is the people's freedom to, often unknowing, drink cocaine with their soda being taken away? Or is it the company's freedom to be unregulated about what they put in your food that is being taken away? This was the case with Coca-Cola before cocaine was outlawed.
From this we should understand that the government exbits control over the entities that are within its range of control, this includes people and any organizations or functions of society which they have created.
The complexity of influences which govern our world makes it hard to easily rationalize and profit from its understanding.
The way in which everyone influences each other is the same way that I am influencing you. I am putting thoughts in your head to, hopefully, give you a different perspective of things with the end goal of helping you make decisions which are more informed than they would have been. I can not say that I know what intentions anyone else has when giving you information, all I can do is remind you to be aware that people, corporations, governments, news sources all have intentions for feeding you information. It is your duty as a hunter to filter that information, manipulate and understand it the best way you can and then make investment decisions based on your findings in order to profit.
In part two, I will explain how financial hunters influence each other, giving each other hints for where the best prey lies, or distracting each other by giving disinformation to other hunters in order to throw them off a profitable path so that they may take the prey for themselves.
Fortunately for everyone, my duty is to enlighten traders and investors, therefore I am going to first; describe the way in which corporations, governments, and essentially everyone around you changes your perception of the world that surrounds you. Secondly, I will extrapolate that same understanding into the financial world. Lastly, I will, to the best of my ability, attempt to rationalize ways of profiting from this understanding.
I feel the best way of getting a message across with the least amount of friction or the least probability of misunderstanding is by providing examples.
So to better explain the concepts of freedom and perceived freedom, I will use ciggarettes and tobacco as examples of the two.
First I need you to think about whether you believe that, if ciggarettes were to be outlawed, that is if it were to be illegal for companies to profit by producing and selling ciggarettes. Let's say this were to happen because the government found out that companies were putting harmful chemicals in them. If this were to happen, are people now unable to smoke tobaccoo? Has the freedom to smoke tobaccoo been taken away from the people, or has the freedom for companies to produce, sell, and profit from their own created ciggarette market been taken away?
This is the difference between perceived and true freedom, although to be fair nothing really is true freedom but that is to be explained at a different time. It is the thought that something is a granted freedom to you, when in reality it is granted to someone else and they have convinced you, for their own benefit, that it is granted to you.
It is much easier to understand that our agreements with other people can create and destroy our freedoms, whether it is created or destroyed is dependent on the perception of it by people. Governments mediate and enforce the agreements of the majority of people on the planet, however inefficient they may be, it is humanity's current best way of organizing, domesticating and controlling itself. Therefore it is best to accept that governments, by using laws, regulations, and other agreements, create and destroy freedoms of its people.
By now, most would seem to accept that if ciggarettes were actually bad that the government would have found this information and made a decision to outlaw them.
The problem rests in the fact that the government can only create laws if there is agreement upon them by the majority of its people. Therefore there is only one thing that companies require for them to continue on with their business; to convince people that the freedom given to the companies is actually the freedom given to the people.
To clarify your understanding of the difference between perceived and true freedom, it might be better to exaggerate the example.
Let's say, for example, a soda company, in a world where cocaine is a legal substance, uses cocaine in their drinks to get people addicted to their soda. When the government takes away the ability for a company to use cocaine in their drinks, you must ask yourself, is the people's freedom to, often unknowing, drink cocaine with their soda being taken away? Or is it the company's freedom to be unregulated about what they put in your food that is being taken away? This was the case with Coca-Cola before cocaine was outlawed.
From this we should understand that the government exbits control over the entities that are within its range of control, this includes people and any organizations or functions of society which they have created.
The complexity of influences which govern our world makes it hard to easily rationalize and profit from its understanding.
The way in which everyone influences each other is the same way that I am influencing you. I am putting thoughts in your head to, hopefully, give you a different perspective of things with the end goal of helping you make decisions which are more informed than they would have been. I can not say that I know what intentions anyone else has when giving you information, all I can do is remind you to be aware that people, corporations, governments, news sources all have intentions for feeding you information. It is your duty as a hunter to filter that information, manipulate and understand it the best way you can and then make investment decisions based on your findings in order to profit.
In part two, I will explain how financial hunters influence each other, giving each other hints for where the best prey lies, or distracting each other by giving disinformation to other hunters in order to throw them off a profitable path so that they may take the prey for themselves.
Exposing the truth too much can get you in trouble with them, brother, tread lightly.